THE TESTIMONY OF STEWARDSHIP asks that we care for and make wise use of the world’s resources. Historically, Friends have been concerned about the environment, but this concern has become an urgent need for climate justice. Friends think of stewardship as the recognition that the earth is not ours to use as we see fit, but is on loan to us from God.
The Friends Seminary community is encouraged to care for the School’s environment, including its human, financial, and material resources. The School strives to facilitate good stewardship at all levels of operation, from energy policy and dining practices to students’ use of materials in the classroom. Students practice being stewards of the School’s facilities so that they may apply these values and practices to the world in which they live, understanding that stewardship does not happen in isolation. It is realized by honoring our interdependent existence.
What do I need, and how can I avoid taking more than I need?
How can we be more conscious of the impact of our actions on our communities and our environment?
How can our approach to stewardship be realistic yet ambitious?