THE PRACTICE OF SILENCE is most prominently evident during our regular practices of Meeting for Worship and Reflection, but goes beyond these community gatherings, permeating all areas of school life.
At Friends Seminary we value the process of learning and THE PRACTICE OF STUDY as much as, if not more than, the product.
THE PRACTICE OF SERVICE is integral to Friends Seminary’s educational mission, and members of the Friends Seminary community are called upon to “bring about a world that ought to be.”
THE PRACTICE OF DIVERSITY at Friends Seminary draws on several of the testimonies, especially those of equality, community and integrity.
THE PRACTICE OF EQUITY at Friends relies on knowing and understanding how each child learns best and which conditions will help them reach their full academic, social, emotional and physical potential.
In a world that ought to be, THE PRACTICE OF JUSTICE is centered and takes many forms, but it is always grounded in love.
In THE PRACTICE OF DECISION MAKING, it is important that there be opportunities for varied opinions to be expressed and for many perspectives to be taken into account.