Central to the Religious Society of Friends is the belief in the Inner Light—that of God in everyone. Early Friends gathered in Meeting for Worship to wait in silence and open themselves to the Spirit. In a “gathered” meeting, they experienced a sense of unity, peace, joy, and the glory of God’s creation. If the Spirit moved a Friend to speak, they rose to share the message. Friends felt this to be the continuing revelation of truth. The idea that truth is continually revealed shapes our vision of education as a community of learners.
The Friends Seminary community considers Meeting for Worship (Meeting) the heart of the School. Members of the community may interpret Meeting in various ways, depending on their ages and beliefs. The essential element is gathering in silence; the stillness provides respite from our busy lives, and we learn to be comfortable with and even welcome silence. We learn in Meeting to listen, reflect, speak and be patient. Queries may be used to facilitate reflection. Meeting provides the opportunity for all present to be connected in community.
How can I be open to messages from all sources in Meeting?
What helps me settle into Meeting for Worship? How does the way I sit, where I sit or what I think about affect my experience and the experience of those around me?
How do I carry what I learn in Meeting with me?